Project 13 Pre-work

Utopia: A perfect world where everything is right and everything is good. It is perfect.
Dystopia: Almost the opposite of utopia. It is not right, everything is bad, and it is hard to live well.
Title of Film or Video:
Ways it showed a UTOPIA
Ways it showed DYSTOPIA
ChildrenThat everyone was doing well in the schoolKids and people were trapped, the dog kept dying, no colors and people we not happy. They were finally freed from being trapped. 
The Truman ShowHe was happy and the people involved were happy. His life was staged, but he was happy and his life was going very well.Once he found out that his life was a lie, then he was then unhappy and trapped in the tv show. He was trapped in a fake life. 
Here's the Plan

They got along well with each other, and though they somewhat struggled they were still happy and they still worked hard to achieve that. As they worked to make more money, they grew apart from each other and their marriage fell apart. Their dream of the cupcakes died. 


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